Thursday, July 19, 2012

Love and hamburgers.

I have these 2 friends. Their names are spencer and nikki.
They're getting married.
We're all pretty thrilled about it. 
they're adorable.

Me and my best friend, Benjamin, shot some engagements for them!
We did them in a parking garage..
then had a "picnic" on top of that said, parking garage.
it was lovely :) i think you'll like 'em. 

Enjoy, and pin away. ;)

xo, rach

p.s. you can see more p&l photography here. 


  1. LOVE the forehead kiss. Those are my favorite :)

  2. i love the sun flare in that first one! i'm a sucker for sun flares. those are awessome!

  3. These are adorable - I'm sure their wedding will be just as great!

  4. The photos are charming and I love the sense of humor. :)

  5. These are fabulous! So much talent and I love that their personalities really shine through! New follower :)

  6. These shots are great! :)

    I just stumbled across your blog, it so cute! Do follow back if you get a chance :) From Cupcakes, With Love x

  7. Thanks friends! You're all so nice! I'm glad you like them!!


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