Tuesday, June 19, 2012


i'm a big supporter of the instagram craze.
i thoroughly enjoy it. it's a fun thing right? right.
here's my grams.


p.s. I'm thinking of doing a tutorial on the peter pan collar I'm wearing? what do you think?
p.p.s. you can follow me @rachful100, i'd love to follow you too!

oh and listen to thisit's a happy tune.

xo, rach


  1. I feel you, i LOVE instagram!! :) such good entertainment!!

    I got your email that you wanna button swap for the month of July (I am over at Before The I Do's) but I went to email you back & you have it set up as a no reply blogger :( please email me at jksieberg@gmail.com with your email address so I can put you down!! :)

    Happy Tuesday

  2. yes, PLEASE do a tutorial. love your header by the way...it's darling : ) teach me how! xo.

    1. Thanks for your input bridget! :) And right now I'm trying to explore the world of blog design! I'm doing some designs for free right now! you can email me at rachelm.ostler@gmail.com if you'd like me to design something for you! :)

  3. I love instagram too! Mine is summertoast ! I gonna check you out :)

  4. is that a sequin collar? so cute...you should do a tutorial!

    xo erica

  5. Yay for Instagram...I'm only a little obsessed with it. Haha. And, wow I clicked on that song...and I have been listening to it on repeat for like 20 min. It is a happy tune! Love it. :)

    Thanks for checkin out my blog ;) and, I'd love to swap buttons with ya! Let me know if you want to!


    1. It's a super fun song huh? I love it so much! And thank you for stopping by here! I'll be in touch soon! :)


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