Sunday, June 3, 2012

Bear with me

100 is how many things I have to say to all of you friends reading this.

I have been slacking this lack week blog wise.
and I apologize. but I think this next week will be good.

I have a great song to share monday.
A cute skirt to share wednseday.
Crafts to share thursday.
And I have made the descision to ombre my hair and I'm doing that this week!
It'll be too fun and I'm soooo excited!

Also me and my best friend are doing a photo shoot tonight!
Another sister missionary.
I looovvvee that this is our third sister missionary shoot, the world needs more of 'em.
(and we're doing another one this week too!)

I'm changing my blog name....I'm nervous.
Me and the bff's photography business is called peaches and lavender.
This was going to be half crafty half our business..but it evolved into something else.
So I'm changing it. I'm deciding between "Sincerely Peachy" and "Delightful Somethings"
I'd like your opinion. Tell me what you think.


watch this.
I'm excited.

xo, rach

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