Sunday, March 31, 2013

There's this brand new baby.

His name is liam.
He was born on monday.
7 lbs. 14 oz. 19 inches.
He's so handsome. And wonderful.
I'm more than happy to be an aunt to another.

he's got so much hair. 

I like to pretend he's talking in a British accent saying "i'm a bloody rockstar"

look at those wrinkly feet. 

xo, rach

p.s. i got lash extensions, and they're also wonderful.
i'll tell you tomorrow. 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Floral Crown

I've seen them on pinterest too much.
And everytime I see one?
I think I do a crafty sigh for how whimsical and pretty they are.
I finally made one.

I'm not doing a full DIY because they're are 100 out there.
(I used this one.)

You'll need...

1. Make your floral hoop, I twisted 5 pieces of wire together, so it was sturdy.

2. Cut the blooms and attach with wire, wrap the wire with floral tape...and repeat, repeat.

3. Be all cutesy and what not.

here's what i ended up with. im in love. 

While I don't think I could pull this off day to day, I am too excited to use it in photo shoots to come.

xo, rach

Thursday, March 21, 2013

I'm in a funk

a blogging funk that is.

I apologize. I literally feel bad like everyday.
I get a follower, and I want to say "sorry if you're dissapointed, I've been a sucky blogger lately."
(especially this past week.)

In my defense, I got food poisoning, have been up to my neck in articles, and books on "how to not go crazy working with 15 five year old's", and making lots of photo plans.

I'm doing a craft with a dear friend of mine tomorrow, and hopefully I'll be able to share soon.
And my sister in law is going to have her baby by early next week.
basically exciting things are coming. and i'm excited.

as always,
love you girls, you keep me young. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

DIY Vintage Light Switch Plate

I met up with my fellow blogger friends Arielle and Brittney
We decided to do a craft, and through pinterest inspiration, this is what we did!

Before & After

1. First find a pretty plate(s). We got ours, under a dollar each, at thrift stores like D.I. and savers!

2. Triple bag them up? and slam them on the concrete. I was so nervous for this step, just because the plates even sliding in the car was sending chills in my spine. But it was easier, and a lot more fun then I thought it'd be!

3. We laid down our china pieces in a pan, for easy sorting, and picked out the pieces we wanted to use! (obviously, be carefully not to cut yourself up)

4. Next, lay down a patter then glue away. We used hot glue, but a few of my pieces have already been bumped I say SUPER GLUE! :) 

here are the final results. 

xo, rach

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

That time me and Austin went driving

I have this friend named Austin.
We've been friends since I was 12.
I've had many experiences with this kid....
Dating, fighting, not talking, best friends, first kiss.
(and too many others)

Today we went on a drive...and found large fields, muddy pathways, and crazy tiny canyon towns.
We talked about his cute new girlfriend, my plans, our favorite shows, and funniest memories.
He let me take pictures of him, and I'm not even sad about it.

He's pretty. (look at that hair)

& funny

oh yeah, he took pictures of me too. 

xo, rach

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Antiquing for crafts.

Today me and a friend went to my favorite antique store, planted earth.
It's in orem, on state street, and you won't regret going if you get the chance.
It's lovely, to say the least.

We got some adorable vintage buttons to help us make a great easy peasy craft.
I'll tell you all about it tomorrow.

xo, rach

Monday, March 11, 2013

new new, new new.

I've been getting new things.
(I blame this coming spring rather than my frequent shopping trips)

I decided this week I'm going to share these new things with you.
I got a new hair cut, you can see a better shot here. I also finally found some glasses to replace my old broken clear lenses. (similar here) And last but definately not least, I got new lipstick. I feel like there's few commitments bigger than buying a new lipstick, you can hope, but hardly ever know. I decided on a dark dark maroon, called wine and forever 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Feeling Lucky?

St. Patricks Day is one week. I'm too excited.

I've been working on lesson plans for my pre-k class.
Finding cute green inspired outfits.
And planning some yummy treats to make (obviously)
So, of courrrrssseeeee.
I'm compulsively browsing pinterest.

Thought I'd share my favorite finds.
p.s I feel like most holiday things I like are food, and I'm not sorry about it.

(i can't even find the original source..if you know? let me know!)

xo, rach

happy sunday.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Asking and Telling.

Asking for?

I'd like to be your blog friend.
I don't think you'd regret it. This blog is growing sure and steady. 
Sincerely peachy is currently getting an average of 1,000 page views per day. 
I'd love to button switch with you, just email me right here.

(i just made new ones...over there on the right.)

Peaches and Lavender Photography is looking for a couple high school senior models!
All we ask? Is that you live in Salt Lake or Utah County!
If you, or anyone you know would be interested?
Email me right here.
(tell your friends!!!)

-Brooke wagoner has a new album out.
It's amazing just like everything else she's ever done.
-I'm working on a new font post.
-Me & Arielle of The Diary Of A Joshua Tree are getting together next week!
We'll be making some fun floral crafts to share with you!

too excited.

xo, rach

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Don't read this if your prone to judgment.

i have a right sided brain. 
i'm creative. imaginative. general. intuitive. conceptual. big picture. empathetic. and irregular.
(very accurate right brain description found via the internet)

so if you can believe it? I'm messy. messy. messy. messy.
I'm working hard not to be, but sometimes it escalates. and I lack the motivation to get it all together.
that's why I'm telling you. hoping it leads to motivation. 
my room is a joke right now. literally sometimes i laugh and sigh to myself because it's so ridiculous. 

Why is it so messy you ask?
1. I try on 2-5 outfits everytime i get dressed.....and don't put away failed attempts.
2. I don't mind folding laundry? but putting it away is a different story
3. I really like "things" and have way too many of them. 

i plan on having it all done by Saturday morning.
we'll see how it goes.  

wish me luck. sorry i'm a slob. 

xo, rach

p.s. I want Lindsey to win the bachelor