Monday, December 31, 2012

DIY Fox Sweater!

I thought I'd end this year with one of my favorite projects of the season! 
I have been wanting one for so long!

And since there are so many ways to make easy ones I could never talk myself into buying one!
Well I finally buckled down and made one! Hope you like it! 

I have this sweater that I love so much. 
It also has this stain.

The stain is too big to still wear it, too small to throw it out. 
So I decided to get crafty. 

I cut out a pattern, and left a half inch or so around the edge

Next, I ironed my edges, and sewed them down. 

Figured out where I wanted my pieces to lie. 

I'm no sewing expert, and sometimes (a lot of times) rely on fabric glue. 

Last but not least, I took some black sequined trim and make a nose, and eyes via hot glue

It's not exactly what I imagined, but I'm very happy with it! 

happy new year!

xo, rach

Friday, December 28, 2012

Our phone conversations always make me laugh.

"I keep kissing frodo (his plump siamese cat) every 5 five seconds, we've been cuddling all day"
"Oh no! My oreo!"
"I saw the coolest mid evil batman costume today!"

This sums up my best friend and his love for his cat, oreos, and batman.
missing that kid too much.

11 days down. 7 to go. 

p.s. notice the thumbs up. 

xo, rach

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

It's just one of those days.

I woke up at 6 am for the first time in about a year.
I had to drive a half hour on the freeway, in the snow.
One of my windshield blades broke off.
I worked 8 hours for the first time in a month.
I locked myself out of my car, while it was running.
I got stitches taken out. (ouch)
While at the gym my muscles refused to work.
My head hurts.

xo, rach

p.s. honestly it wasn't a "bad" day.
just full of more mishaps than most.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Let it snow baby, let it reindeer.

Let me first start by saying MERRY CHRISTMAS!
It's been a fabulous holiday!

Me and Ben decided to have a Christmas shoot this year! 
It was freezing....and dark...and I wasn't a perfect sport.
But I love how they turned out.
See the rest here

I went to a classy birthday party for my friend Courtney
(she blogs over here.)

Basically it was really fun.
And Christmas break with all of my friends has been lovely!

I also visited my birth family (p.s. i'm adopted.)

And stopped by to see my sweet grandparents!

My sweet grandma Rose.
(she's a famous poet. and a good one at at that. google her.)

Four generations of Ostler. I love all of them way too much!!

Sadly, with all the hustle and bustle of Christmas this morning, I didn't take any pictures.
Joke right? Right. 
Anyways, I hope you're christmas was lovely!

xo, rach

Friday, December 21, 2012

Discombobulate Tv

So I have this best friend, Benjamin?
Well he's in a sketch group called Discombobulate Tv.

They have an awesome comedy series,
and a new episode is coming out TONIGHT!
And it's a Christmas episode! (double bonus)

I highly suggest you catch up, and watch it!
You won't regret it!

Here's the first episode:
p.s. im in this one! 

and the second:

Subscribe to their youtube channel 
and like their facebook page
it's a great thing to do, trust me. 

xo, rach

Thursday, December 20, 2012

It's always a fun time when friends come home

recently a large (understatement) amount of my friends
have been coming home from lds missions.

basically it's the greatest.
i missed my friends too much.

it amazes me so much and not at all that
we can all stay up til 3 in the morning just being great friends.

p.s. happy birthday carter, i think you're hilarious, cause you are. 

xo, rach

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Hobbit.

I'm no movie critic, but I thought I'd give you my 2 cents.
I  thought it was so well done.
Having seen it 2x, I am just impressed by it all.

I was surprised how entertained I was.
I was on the edge of my seat anxious, and frightened, and laughing,

I was worried that because the movie was so long,
and they are stretching the book so thin I was going to be bored.
I never found myself saying "when's this part going to end"
Everything seemed so well thought out and connected.

There was that one part, after they have left rivendale, and are walking along the mountains edge?
I didn't understand the "thunder fight."
But I figured it was one of those things, that for those who had read the book,
would have been upset if it was excluded.
And it's 5 minutes compared to the movies 3 hours, was not a big deal.

Dating a film major has helped me appreciate
all the work that goes on, on the other side of the screen.

There's a scene when all the dwarfs and Gandalf have gathered at Bilbo's home,
and Gandalf is standing in an area between a pantry and the dining room.
I was so impressed how well the brought everything to scale.
Gandalf was hitting his head on the ceiling while the dwarves looked half his size.
At first I was like "wow that's some really good green screen work"
then a dwarf hands Gandalf a drink...and he takes it...and I said what the?
Film is magic. It's so ridiculous.
All the scale doubles, and different angles, and tricks they used to help
you believe that Bilbo was the size of a child,
and that these average sized men were riding mini horses...
and holy cow. it's amazing.

I watched the Lord of the Rings last week to get ready?
I now openly admit I'm the biggest nerd.
I never thought I could casually talk about a wizard mending the grudgeful relationships
of dwarves and elves while also leading them back to their home land
previously taken over by a fire breathing gold coveting dragon.
Ben would be proud.

If you like Lord of the Rings, you'll love this movie, and have probably already seen it.
anyways, if you read this whole thing? props.

and......go see the movie.

xo, rach

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

cold nights call for cozy measures

it's bitter cold in this draper town.
the wind bite's your skin,
and leaves your hands tense.

it's the kind of night that leaves me
wanting nothing but to be cozy.

as soon as i walked in my room,
i found my footie pajamas
(equipped with a bum flap)

i went to the kitchen and made up some
delicious hot cocoa with my favorite toppings.
(spray whip cream and caramel)

i then sat under my covers,
editing pictures and discovering new music.
definitely a good ending to a good day.

(in the background; bows, present tags, chocolate oranges. it's an ostler Christmas up in here.)

hope you're warmer than i am.
merry almost Christmas

p.s. tomorrow i'm praising the hobbit.
get ready for it.

DIY Heart Pies

I love to bake.
And sadly I've only baked 1 or 2 pies. like ever.
So I decided these would be simple (and delicious) enough.

You need?
Pie crust, filling, cookie cutter, cream cheese (if you're obsessed with it like i am),
a fork, a toothpick, and an oven.

Unroll your crust and cut, cut, cut. 

Spread on some cream cheese, and dollop on some filling. 

Put two pieces together, and press a fork around the edges to seal it.
(p.s. it got sorta messy? i just wiped off extra with wet paper towel)

Add something cute with a tooth pick, if you're heart so desires. (pun intended)

Bake and enjoy

Best served with vanilla ice cream, and good company. (also known as parenthood, and my dog, gunner.)

xo, Rach

p.s. i'm so excited for the holidays.
just so you're aware.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

How do things progress to this?

I haven't watched ellen in ages, but you better believe i'm subscribed on youtube.

this..this is a real winner.

p.s. sorry i've been so flaky,
the holidays are getting the best of me.
i'll have lots to share soon.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas Playlist!!

My best friend, benjamin, put together a wonderful Christmas playlist.
I did the photoshoppin' of the display.
If you ask me? We make a pretty good team, and a pretty good playlist.

Enjoy :)

Listen on spotify: Christmas Playlist

xo, rach

p.s. we finished our photo blog.
go and see the rest of those cute Christmas pictures we took!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Netflix just got a bit disney-er.

alice in wonderland
fox and the hound
rescuers down under
the great mouse detective 
the muppet movie 

(and i know its not disney)
but the tv series; the wild thornberrys.

today's a good day. 

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Murmaids and Christmas

-I stumbled upon my new favorite album via spotify, "Classic doo wop girl groups"
My favorite? Popsicles and Icicles by the Murmaids

bright stars and guitars and drive-ins on friday night; these are a few of the things we love

-About a week ago, me and Benjamin did a Christmas mini shoot!
They are too gorgeous, I'm obsessed with how they turned out!

happy saturday friends

xo, rach