Thursday, August 30, 2012

Insta-Life: August Edition

instagrams. it's my go to app.
i'm obsessed. if you can't tell by my many instagrams.
i should start making this like a bi-weekly thing....

1. Studying at softball games 2. Arielle's concert, we're all pretty excited

  3. Only thing worse than packing? Repacking 4. My first load of coin operated laundry

  5. First saturday in Logan, the windy caves 6. The feeling of a new tooth brush

 7. Needles. A girls greatest accessory 8. Little boxes all the same, moving day

 9. Too lucky to be the aunt of that brand new two year old!
10. Gold metallic nails, I'm a happy camper. 

11. I don't know if I should get my mind out of the gutter or if they  need a new slogan...
12. Sometimes I come home and there's a stray cat in my kitchen

 13. A long day of work is best topped off with a hot bag of burned popcorn
14. The suns coming up too fast for my own good

  15. AKA my car will look ghetto until forever
16. Grip socks, sweats, sweatshirt, microwave pizza, milk from the carton. 

xo, rach

p.s. Follow me @rachful100

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Things I love lately

This e-card. It's a perfect description of my life.

Sharpie mugs. I want one way too much.

This quote. Hoping my sister in law is carrying a baby girl so I can craft with it. 
but I'll probably craft with it no matter what. 

This ring, I adore myself some peachy sapphires. Boys, take notes. 

xo rach

Monday, August 27, 2012

Today's Monday.

Most friends are starting school..but I'm not.
I'm just trying to make a million dollars so I can go to school.
But watching everyone else start school is getting me in the autumn mood.

i love dia frampton.
(the hipster me listened to her band meg&dia in middle school)
you may know her from the first season of the voice!

We're going to be friends- Dia Frampton

this song is fall. and my autumn mood led me to make this.
like it? i hope so!
im planning on making some freebies like this for now through the year.
let me know what you think!!!

enjoy your monday.

xo, rach

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Thrifty Nifty Wednesday: Purse to Satchel

I went to the D.I. today for the first time in a long time.
I found this cute suede fringe purse...but the handle was all short and reminded me of junior high.
so I cut off the handle and sewed my own out of this cute remnant I've had for a while.
I like it very much. 

pretty cute huh. 
Total: 3$ 

xo, rach

p.s. sorry about the camera phone pictures.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

I've been liebstered.

Guys, I feel so honored.
I've been given the "liebster award" from the lovely Torrie at Free Spirit Reigns
I'm pretty excited. (this being my first blog award/blog tag and all)

When I first got the message I said "what the bidness is liebster?"
Then I came to find that it's an award for up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.

It's German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasent, value, cute, endearing, and welcome. 
and I literally said "awwwwww." I feel way special. 

The Rules:
-Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
-Answer the questions that the tagger set for you PLUS create 11 questions for the people you've tagged to answer
-Choose 11 people and link them in your post
-Go to their page and tell them. (no tag backs)

11 things about this lady named rachel.

1. I'm adopted. I have white parents, 3 white brothers, and 1 black one. I love them too much.

2. I'm an avid nail bitter. I also paint my nails 2-3 times a week  because the biting cause all kinds of chipping. yeah it's a fun cycle.

3. I'm in love with my guitar, I get giddy when I learn new tricks.

4. I'm indecisive like you wouldn't believe.

5. My hot glue gun is my best friend.

6. Blue is my favorite color.

7. I love the "booth" apps, (old/fat/bald/mix) they are soooo great.

8. I'm moving on saturday.

9. I'm a dog person, but cats are growing on me more everyday.
(cats are the hipsters of the animal world.)

10. I love all things cheesey. (food and metaphorical)

11. My birthday is July 14th, I'm always looking forward to it.

Torrie's 11 Questions
1. Why did you start blogging & when? I started blogging in January. Why? I want to be crafty and cutesy..haha I thought a blog was the best motivation to do that.
2. Who is your role model? Is it too cliche to say Jesus? Cause He is my role model. He's way too wonderful.
3. What season is your favorite? Spring. I love flowers blooming, waking up to birds chirping, semi warm days, and crisp wind. it's so lovely.
4. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? I vote both. Sometimes I'm way crazy and outgoing and crazy. Other times nothing would make me more content than curling up with a movie or a book for days by my lonesome.
5. What motivates you on a daily basis? I thought about this question really hard. I feel like since I'm not a wife or a momma, my motivations aren't too important. Right now it's probably definitely money. Its definitely my first priority. (cause I think I need to finish school eventually...or something)
6. Early bird or night owl? Early bird. At night, once I get tired, there's no stopping me.
7. Favorite movie of all time? 70% of Will Ferrell movies. Anchorman, blades of glory, land of the lost, the other guys, bewitched, talladega nights...oh the list goes on.
8. Where did you vacation last? Orlando Florida. I went to harry potter world. Best day of my life.
9. How open are you about your blog with family & friends? Half open. Half closed. I always link my blog to my Facebook, but it's not something I bring up in daily conversation, ha I always feel weird about doing that.
10. What's your favorite makeup look that you rock? Growing up with 4 brothers and a football fantasy mom has left me not knowing too much about makeup...but I'm learning. One day I felt bold and bought some dark fuchsia lipstick, and I wear that on occasion. It always makes me feel real hot. ;)
11. Do you collect anything? Not on purpose. but I do have an obsession with buying nail polish. and fabric remnants. its a problem.

My 11 Questions
1. What is your favorite song and why?
2. How did you choose your name for your blog?
3. What's your favorite item in your makeup bag?
4. If you could travel anywhere where would you go and why?
5. Cake or ice cream?
6. Who's your best friend and why?
7. What's your favorite childhood memory?
8. Dog or cats?
9. What's your "go-to" funny you tube video?
10. What do you want to be when you grow up? (we're always growing up right? right)
11. Why do you blog?

Bloggers I'm tagging (stop by and say hello)
1. Arielle @ The Diary of a Joshua Tree
2. Courtney @ In the Garden
3. Julia @ Julia T.B.A.
4. Elsa @ A Little Girl With Great Big Plans
5. Alyssa @ Elemental Carbon
6. Lizzy @ Lovely Lizzy
7.  Jamie @ An Erick[sen]sation
8. Kaitlyn @ Backseat Daiseies
9. Suz and Viv @ Suz and Viv
10. Tabitha @ Chapter Something
11. Emma @ Smile Me Pretty

thanks for reading this marathon of a post. it totally means a lot :)

xo, rach

Monday, August 13, 2012

i'm a busy bird.

im a busy bird. but it's a good busy.
a busy that leaves me feeling accomplished.

i got a job!!!
(three exclamation points excited)
im working at a daycare again
and it is making me so happy.

i'm moving to a new apartment on saturday
and i'm so excited to meet my new roommates.
(not that i don't love my current ones, because i do)

i'm attending a wedding, working out my body,
writing music via my guitar. 

it's definately a good busy.
but sorry if it shows in my blogging.

music monday though right? this is just a short clip..but have you heard of the avett brothers?
they are golden. and have voices like velvet. and they're pretty. 
so triple threat right?

xo, rach

p.s. i appreciate all the new follows, they fill me with joy :) i hope i live up to your expectations.
p.p.s. when i move into my new apartment i'll have all my craft stuff back, so expect craft stuff.

thats all. 

Friday, August 10, 2012

i have 400 houses.

i love people.
especially people that show me great funny youtube videos.
I had a sleepover with my friends arielle (of diary of a joshua tree) and brittney
and we did the required swap of our favorite videos?
there was one that i'm just a teensy bit obsessed with.

baddest of them all- krispy kreme
i have 400 cars. i have 400 scars. and 400 guitars. 

i want to do a post with some super hilarious youtube videos.
if you have any funny one's that are still in the process of going viral?
send a link my way! :) 


xo, rach

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Netflix, we're good friends.

Seriously. I've gotten to know netflix pretty well.
my down fall? tv shows.

i've watched all the episodes of greys anatomy.
how i met your mother.
life unexpected.
9 lives of chloe king.
parks and recreation.
saved by the bell.
the wonder years.
drop dead diva.
better off ted.
the walking dead.
jane by design.
the first season of 90210 (the new one...)
and i'm in my second season of felicity.
(which by the way, is like the greatest show ever. YAY 90's!)

yeah. i am highly aware i have a problem.
the problem running out of good shows to watch.
what are your favorite shows on netflix? I could definitely use some recommendations.

p.s. im on vay-cay in the colorado this week.
so pardon me if blogging takes a back seat for a few days.

I hope you're having a looovvveeelllyyyyy week.

xo, rach

Friday, August 3, 2012

Have you seen my friends?

they're pretty funny. 
and by pretty funny, i mean hilarious. 

you're scaring the ducks

UVU 1962

The Movies

following, and subscribing would be a good idea.
youtube and facebook.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

DIY Scalloped Edge

This is my first screen shot tutorial. I hope you like, and that it's not confusing and crazy. 
I've done this on CS5 but in this tutorial I'm using CS6
(they have a 30 day free trial right now, i highly reccomend it.)
I'm probably not the first one to figure this out..
but I'm obsessed with it. It's way easy, and super cute.
I used the same trick when designing this blog header. 

Let me know what you think :)

xo, rach