Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Bountiful Buttons

Recently I feel deeply in love with a necklace via pinterest via etsy. 
It's called bountiful buttons, and bountiful it is. 

Bountiful Buttons - Moss Green/Salmon/Oatmeal buttons on brass chain - Nominated for "Design of the Year"

Being the crafty woman that I am I will be attempting something similar on the morrow.
It won't have as many buttons and will mainly be turquoise, white, and cream.
I could not be more excited.
(or more nervous, seeing that my chain necklace skills have never been tested)

I'll make sure to upload pictures and what not to let you know how it goes. 

p.s. if you want to follow me on pinterest click here.

p.p.s. for the link to the etsy shop where I found the necklace click here.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Music Monday :)

Today is not only a Monday, but a musical Monday.
I always find Mondays mundane, and a great song always helps me get through it. 

This is a band called Of Monsters and Men.
A 6 piece indie/folk band from Iceland
that sounds wonderfully similar to Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes.
Especially this song! It has a riff that sounds just like "home" by Edward and the Zeroes.
Sometimes when I'm feeling down I'll sing that song along to this one
and it always helps me feel way legit!
I hope you enjoy.